Form 337 Field Approvals Consulting
Form 337 Field Approvals Consulting
"Form 337 Field Approvals for Major Alterations" Whether to file a form 337 Field Approval for a Major Alteration is one of the things that can turn into a big problem for you as the aircraft owner if the IA or Repair Station you are using is not familiar with;
- How the Form 337 works.
- When to use it; was the work performed a Major Alteration or a Minor Alteration?
- Does the work performed conform to Type Design? Type design is defined in FAR 21.31.
Navigating the FAA documentation process is daunting! It can take a few days if presented correctly to many months of rejection and resubmission. Having dealt with the FAA Field Approval process for over 40 years, we can assist in the appropriate documentation submission to seriously limit rejections. This includes new panels with state-of-the-art components without PMA or STC approval. This includes such items as new Annunciators, Angle-of-Attack systems, etc. When you are installing components requiring FAA Field Approval you must adhere to required documents such as;
- Electrical Load Analysis
- Weight and Balance
- Supplemental Flight Manuals
- Wiring Schematics covering the newly-installed components for Troubleshooting.
These are all documents required by the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (“ICA”). Navigating through these documents is where we can make your life easier and less costly.
Other Consulting
Other Consulting
Consulting on Operations Specifications
FAA Operations Specifications are somewhat complex. What are they? The FAA issues operations specifications to certificated operators (air carriers, repair stations, etc). It is a legal document that outlines what they are authorized to do.
With our vast experience we can make the job quicker and simpler!
Consulting on Minimum Equipment Lists
A minimum equipment list (MEL) is a list which provides for the operation of aircraft, subject to specified conditions, with particular equipment inoperative (which is) prepared by an operator in conformity with, or more restrictive than, the MMEL established for the aircraft type. The operators MEL document must include at least the following elements:
- Table of Contents,
- Log of Revisions,
- Preamble and Definitions, and
- A Control Page defining the current revision status of each page contained within the MEL.
Submitting MELs to the FAA for approval can be daunting!
We have years of experience knowing exactly what the FAA requires. We can usually get it approved the first time!