Friedman Aviation Enterprises
Friedman Aviation Enterprises
OUR IA RENEWAL WEBSITE, AviationOnlineLearning.biz
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Welcome to Friedman Aviation Enterprises
This website is unique!
There is no site like it on the Internet!
Whether you are an Aircraft Owner, have a Repair Station, or part of a large Aviation Company, the most important factor involved in any aviation-oriented enterprise is priorities. In the highly regulated aviation industry, compliance with Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) is paramount. Everything else stems from compliance, which includes the recognition of, and training in the applicable regulations. This is the foundation for any aviation-oriented enterprise. Without the clear understanding of the regulatory foundation, there can be no stability.
Our goal is to help as many people as possible to solve common problems they may be having with their aircraft and getting paperwork properly submitted to the FAA.

Meet Our Team
Meet Our Team
We love to teach and transfer the skills and knowledge we have accumulated in over 75 years to others involved in Aviation; Pilots, Mechanics, Repairmen, and even FAA Inspectors. We have participated as Expert Witness in Aviation litigations for over 40 years, and very pleased we are usually on the winning side. We have a collection of Aircraft Maintenance Manuals, FAA Interpretations pertinent to FAA Repair stations and maintenance, Mil-Specs such as AN, MS, NAS, etc., and proprietary specs from various manufacturers.

Checkout Our Services
Checkout Our Services
- Aviation Litigation Expert Witness
- Consulting on Form 337 Field Approvals
- Consulting on Operations Specifications
- Consulting on Minimum Equipment Lists
- Pre-Purchase Aircraft Inspections
- FAR Training for FAA Repair Stations
- FAR Training for Aircraft Operators
- Training in Unapproved Parts
- Inventory Audits
- IA Renewal Seminars
- Biennial Flight Reviews
- Aircraft Ferry Permits
- Aircraft Relocation and Recovery

Contact US
Contact US
No question is too small, No problem too big! We are here to help you resolve a problem, give direction, or where to find the correct FAR or Advisory Circular that pertains to your problem.
Contact us to just ask a question or schedule your consultation!